If you happen to be reading this article near its posting date (or in later years around the same time of year) then you have almost made it through another hot and humid Carolina summer. Unlike in years past when summers were notoriously dry, it isn’t uncommon at all for Carolina summers to be very wet. Indeed, our region has seen abnormally high rainfall amounts for several years running, and regardless of where you come down on the "man-made global warming" debate, it is hard to argue that our climate here in the southern US is indeed trending toward hotter and wetter. But since you have happened upon the Nelon-Cole blog, then you no doubt know that we want you to understand some of the problems this can cause a homeowner in the Carolinas.

watch for warning signs of impending water control problems
Moisture control is very often overlooked when it comes to regular home maintenance. It isn’t always as visible as needing a paint job, a leaking room, or a broken window. Moisture problems in a home usually start at the foundation. In this area that means your crawlspace (though basement and slab homes are certainly not immune!). THE DREADED CRAWLSPACE!
The crawlspace in most Carolina homes is almost like an undead graveyard or some sort of satanic ritual site – homeowners avoid going down there like it’s the plague. Down there is all manner of insects, snakes, vermin, damp dankness, and unbreatheable Martian air. But Nelon-Cole wants you to know that this is what we do. We know where mold and moisture problems start and how to find and deal with them.

not the place you like visiting, but your crawlspace gives a clue to the overall health of your home
If you haven’t performed at least a visual inspection around (and under) your home, you may be surprised to find that mold and mildew problems have already taken root. And potential problems aren’t just confined to underneath your home. Cooking, showering, running the dishwasher, and just opening and closing your door lets in moisture. Many homes in the Carolinas rely on a good dehumidifier – an excellent investment that does a good job of helping keep your air at the right humidity level. You should also always use your bathroom exhaust fans and make sure they are vented properly and in good working order. Other moisture control techniques for inside your home may include
· Do Laundry Less Frequently
· Get More Plants
· Redirect Downspouts
· Keep your AC properly serviced
· Insulate Problem Areas
· Keep Surfaces Dry
Crawlspace encapsulation is the recommended method of helping homes in high moisture areas stay dry. Encapsulation often utilizes sump pumps and dehumidifiers, but not in all cases. Your crawlspace can often have relative humidity levels of near 100%. High relative humidity can support the growth of black mold, which can cause damage to the structure of your home as well as a litany of health and breathing related issues. An encapsulated and dehumidified crawlspace can keep the relative humidity to around 55%.

standing water under your home can be a bigger problem than you may think
Nelon-Cole wants to talk to you if you have seen any signs of moisture problems in your home, and we especially are eager to help you if it has been a while since you have had an inspection (or if you haven’t had one at all!). We are the experts in the Carolinas for mold and mildew problems and are here to help you prevent major problems before they can happen. Already have a major problem? Nelon-Cole is ready to help with that as well, with trained crews who have seen it all – and fixed them all! Call us for a FREE consultation and let us do the dirty work for you.