Thanks to their warm and humid climate, The Carolinas are very appealing to cockroaches. And as if coming across these pests outside weren't bad enough, they tend to invade homes, too. The secret to keeping any pest away is knowing a bit about its preferences and habits.

German Cockroaches German cockroaches love feeding on crumbs and food scraps, but they're not picky eaters. They might chew away at the paste on bookbinding or eat your toothpaste. Since German cockroaches are so timid, you may notice these other signs of an infestation before you spot an actual bug:
Droppings that look like coffee grounds on countertops or in drawers
A strange musky odor that you can't quite place
Holes in cardboard packaging and chew marks on larger pieces of food, such as crackers
If you notice signs of a German cockroach infestation, call the pest control experts at Nelon Cole sooner rather than later. These pests can reproduce very quickly, so it's best to start fighting them before their population explodes. To keep German cockroaches away, focus on keeping your home as dry as possible. Have minor plumbing leaks repaired and install a dehumidifier. American Cockroaches These pests are red-brown in color with a yellow band behind their heads. They are larger than German cockroaches, sometimes growing up to 3 inches long! American cockroaches may fly if they are startled, and while they do scurry out of the way when spotted, they tend to be less elusive than German cockroaches—perhaps due to their larger size.
American cockroaches release a similar musky odor to that of German cockroaches. However, their droppings are much larger and are sometimes mistaken for mouse droppings. You may also notice their egg capsules, which are dark-colored, oblong, cocoon-like structures, fixed to a counter surface or the underside of a cabinet. Getting rid of American cockroaches will require collaboration between you and your pest control company. The pest control experts at Nelon Cole can spray for the roaches and help you seal off gaps through which they may be entering your home. However, you will need to be impeccably tidy and clean to keep them at bay.
Keep food sealed in air-tight containers, vacuum often, and don't leave dishes in the sink. The slightest food odor can attract these hungry pests. Cuban Cockroaches These roaches are easy to tell apart from the other two, thanks to their bright green color. Cuban cockroaches are usually less than an inch long, and their bodies are very flat. They are native to Cuba but have been brought to the Carolinas in shipping containers of bananas. Usually they are only seen outdoors, but they will invade a home.
If you've been sharing your home with Cuban cockroaches, your pest control expert will likely recommend getting rid of any shrubbery around the border of your home. The roaches tend to live in shrubs and then find their way into your home through small cracks in the foundation. As with other types of cockroaches, keeping your home clean and dry throughout the extermination process is essential. Essentially, you want to starve the bugs out and force them to migrate elsewhere for food and water.
The pest control professionals at Nelon Cole are up to the task of ridding your home or business these common pests. No matter where they hide, we will find them. Call the pest control experts of the Carolinas and find out how we can help you today!